Jul 17Liked by Shareece Williams

I’ve been thinking about our daily silences and how they relate to macro-situations such as celebrities. A lot of people find comfort and safey in silence. We’ve been asked to and conceded to play by the rule that requires us forgive others for the sake of their survival. We fall into the ideological trap that anything can be forgotten as long as there is a subsequent act which produces a positive feeling.

Sexual and domestic violence is condoned in homes as a consequence of masculine wounds. It’s justified and people coddle the perpetrators. I agree that everyone needs a space for healing. However, it does not require all of us to be that space. Perpetrators also have to make that decision for themselves. I hope people find peace in their forgiveness. I also hope that we come to the understanding that forgiveness does not mean promotion or reconciliationv.

Also, people don’t want to make the connection between artists and their art. But what you are, you produce. Period. I love how you spoke to your own process in unlearning rhetoric taught to you by Chris Brown and Trey Songs . Thank you for sharing 🙌🏽

My favorite quote is “It’s impossible to love women and take their entire existence away by forcing them to forget who they truly are.”

Powerful work, sis.

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Wow! You really said a WORD! I absolutely agree. It’s been a constant battle for me speaking on this topic but it’s worth it. Thank you to hearing and validating me.

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Aug 8Liked by Shareece Williams

There's a dangerous razor's edge that people walk in the woods of forgiveness. Some choose based on their own experience. Others turn a blind eye to wrong doings in the wake of being a fan - their art, their athletic talent. Which is a gross behavior that should be deemed unacceptable at any level.

In my own troubled experience, I've found it easier to forgive people who have wronged me because I know the full extent of what happened and what the outcome was. I also know my strength and ability to heal.

But the pedestals on which we place people truly becomes a weak platform when they abuse trust, hope, support, kindness and establish a pattern of behavior - whether an athlete, an entertainer, or a politician. And I think the final issue becomes so many people are not willing to give women their fair voice which is a travesty on many levels. I'm even more shocked when I see that behavior from women. The hypocritical nature of humanity has become a burdensome mask of which so many love to hide behind.

I only hope that by doing right by the incredibly strong women who've been a part of my life, mother and wife included, and by speaking out against the behaviors of so many others, that I'm at least making some small bit of difference in this world.

Shareece, thank you for this very important reminder! 🙏🏼🤍

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You truly get it. Forgiveness is key to personal healing but it doesn’t change or stop poor behavior. Which is my problem with celebrity culture. It’s too many written apologies going around instead of actually change. Thank you again for hearing my voice!

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Aug 8Liked by Shareece Williams

I try to be a cautious judge of character. I'm not a believer in first impressions. A person can be having a bad day and be mean to me. They could be grieving, or maybe lost a job. Okay, no biggie…. But it's the established pattern of behavior that reveals the true character.

With that said, I think there are some things that are essentially unforgivable - treatment of women, children, animals, the disabled, those who can't defend for themselves. I mean, every situation is different, and there are some considerations to be made, but people need to start waving the red flag with greater frequency. 🚩

But our society has gotten into a really weird place where we boycott companies for a political stance, but we don't hold individuals to the same standards with their treatment of others - women, children, etc? Weird, weird times we're living in.

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I absolutely agree. I am always baffled by people getting upset that we stand up for something so heavy.

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I couldn't help but think about the wisdom of Chuck D and Public Enemy.

So many lyrically relevant pieces to this track … and it's over 25 years old. Sadly, it applies across many levels of society.

Highlighting that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

“More than your eye can see and ears can hear, Year by year, all the sense disappears. Nonsense perseveres, prayers laced with fear.”

Or those willing to rightfully speak up and fight while others turn a blind eye either out of fear, hatred, ignorance, laziness, or some combination of those.

“Damn was it somethin' I said? Pretend you don't see so you turn your head.”

He mentions race, murder, money… but sadly it's obviously even more widespread than that.


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Jul 11Liked by Shareece Williams

They don’t appreciate your work enough for me!!

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Everyone can’t grasp magic when it’s staring them in the face!!

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Jul 11Liked by Shareece Williams


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